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This false-colour composite image, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, reveals the orbital motion of the planet Fomalhaut b. Based on these observations, astronomers calculated that the planet is in a 2000-year-long, highly elliptical orbit.
This image shows an irregular galaxy named IC 10
WR 25 and Tr16-244, at the bottom of the image, are located within the open cluster Trumpler 16. This cluster is embedded within the Carina Nebula, an immense cauldron of gas and dust that lies approximately 7500 light-years from Earth
This image shows the galaxy Messier 94, which lies in the small northern constellation of the
This artist's illustration shows the motion of three of the outermost planets in the HR 8799 system as measured over a 10-year period from Hubble Space Telescope archival data and more recent ground-based telescopic data
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the cluster Westerlund 2 and its surroundings has been released to celebrate Hubble's 25th year in orbit and a quarter of a century of new discoveries, stunning images and outstanding science.